Mt. Yibang 倚邦古树

Ancient Puer tea from Mt. Yibang has a long history as the tribute to the Emperor since the Qing dynasty. Due to its unmatchable natural condition & tea species, it is endorsed as superfine quality, aromatic, captivating complexity, and mesmerizing Puer tea.


倚邦山,不仅是云南普洱茶六大古茶山之一,从明朝隆庆四年到清光绪末年间,倚邦更是六大茶山的政治中心和行政主管地。倚邦的曼松茶从雍正十三年(1735年)开始被指定为皇帝的贡茶 -引用清朝道光年间的《普洱府志》。

茶区位置: 倚邦山, 古六大茶山之一, 云南省西双版纳州勐腊县,海拔1,400 米.。
