Mt. Yiwu Raw PuEr tea cake, Mahei village ancient trees, 2002 Spring 易武山古树普洱生茶,麻黑寨 - Old Village Puer 老寨古茶

Mt. Yiwu Raw PuEr tea cake, Mahei village ancient trees, 2002 Spring 易武山古树普洱生茶,麻黑寨

  • $132.00

Mahei is one of the famous villages among Yiwu mountain.  Experience the unique taste and aftertaste today.


茶底采自于麻黑古寨最生态时期。 纯干仓 存放。 坊间尚有昌泰茶行包装字体相似的中低端系列,价格相差很远。  

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