Mt. Yiwu Raw PuEr tea cake, Mahei village arbor trees, 2015 Spring 易武山大树普洱生茶,麻黑寨 白水清先生监制

  • $13,400.00

Supervised by "PuEr godfather" Mr. Pak Shui Ching, this Yunnan raw Puer tea is on an indent basis of 42 pieces per carton. 

It is adhesive to the traditional Song-Ping formula hundred-year ago, Now they are showcased in National Museum of China as a kind of recognition of the intangible cultural heritage of China.

普洱茶教父 白水清 倾情之作: 2015年监制“清颐堂红印三羊开泰”, 易武麻黑早春大树生茶。 采用古宋聘号配方。此款茶预定 42 片起订。

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