GOLDEN MOMENTS® Award-Winning Old Village PuEr Tea, Shou PuErh vintage 2007

  • $29.00

Great Taste Award 2022!

Elevate your tea-drinking experience with our award-winning Shou PuEr Tea Golden Moments®. Crafted with precision and delicately fermented, this vintage 2007 tea provides a silky rich taste that is both indulgent and comforting. With a warm mellow aftertaste, our Golden Moments® tea is perfect for unwinding and relaxing in the evening.

As of 2023, this quality PuEr tea has a 16-year vintage, ensuring that every sip is an experience to remember. And with our free stainless steel brewing filter included, you can easily brew the perfect cup of tea every time.

Experience the ultimate indulgence and luxury of our award-winning Shou PuEr Tea Golden Moments®.

Order now and enjoy the golden moments of life with every sip.


黄金时代   2007年普洱熟茶     GOLDEN MOMENTS®


醇厚顺滑,甘甜舒爽。  尤其在美食当后,喝上一杯,去油腻的感觉,同时还具备养神安神之功效。 

Contents of Golden Moments® Old Village PuEr Tea Gift Box

  • Loosen tea leaves from teacakes vintage in Singapore.
  • FREE a stainless steel tea filter worth S$12 

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