From Ancient Roots to Modern Elegance
Wan-gong village is among the top quality of Mt Yi-wu PuEr tea.
Mt. Yiwu Raw PuEr tea cake, LanXiang GuYun ancient trees, 2013 Spring 易武山古树普洱生茶,兰香古韵
Mt. Yiwu Raw PuEr tea cake, Mahei village arbor trees, 2015 Spring 易武山大树普洱生茶,麻黑寨 白水清先生监制
Mt. Yiwu Raw PuEr tea cake, Mahei village ancient trees, 2001 Spring 易武山古树普洱生茶,麻黑寨
Mt. Yiwu Raw PuEr tea cake, Gaoshan village ancient trees, 2014 Spring 易武山古树普洱生茶,高山寨
Mt. Yiwu Raw PuEr tea cake, LanXiang GuYun ancient trees, 2011 Spring 易武山古树普洱生茶,兰香古韵