Tenmoku Cha-wan from Fujian China, Jianzhan, Jian Ware, 24K Gold Glazed 黄金24K 建盏 品茗茶碗

  • $380.00

Gold Glazed!

Tenmuko Cha-wan originated from Fujian China.

It is getting more popular for its eye-catching patterns, sweetening the water and enhancing water texture. It is rich in Ferric ion before tasting your tea.

This is not the most valuable ones in Japan as National Treasure, but for daily use.


其迷人的色彩会让人一见钟情;一盏在手,它能软化水感,增加甜度及 厚度,深深折服了众多的茶友。它能释放二价铁离子,容易被人体吸收,更是注重健康人士的青睐。


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