Zisha teapot MAN SHU handmade by Skillful artist, LONG Chun 龙春LONG Chun 龙春 紫泥 紫砂壶 “曼殊”
Artist: LONG Chun 龙春
器型:曼殊壶 MAN-SHU
容量:230 CC
This handmade Yixing zisha teapot shape Man Shu <曼殊> is originated from the Song Dynasty in China, drawing inspiration from the ancient method of binding handwritten manuscripts.
During that era, people began using paper as writing material. Using slender cords, they folded the paper into volumes and secured them together through binding, inventing the "sewn-bound" technique. Applying this aesthetic value to other artworks and objects, one such creation is the Manshu teapot.
The Manshu teapot features a simple and full-bodied design, exhibiting a smooth transition and flowing lines that embody the spirit of simplicity, purity, and tranquility.
In its details, the spout is crisp and sharp, extending outward with an elegant flair.
The knob is designed like a hat, displaying a rustic and graceful charm.
The handle, resembling a small bucket, rounds along with the body and extends outward similar to the spout, creating a piece that feels dynamically tense.
The teapot lid is designed with a cap, revealing intricate details that exude a delicate and graceful charm, showcasing an air of dignity and elegance.
原矿紫泥,为较常见的经典紫砂泥;深受玩家喜爱的泥料之一。 所制成作品质地纯净、砂质均匀、色泽润目怡人,温润细腻、不艳不媚、如小家碧玉。为江苏宜兴黄龙山矿脉所开挖出来的紫砂原矿提炼而成,因矿脉里铁质成份较高,泥料内所含颗粒较大结构疏松,使得器身明显成特殊双气孔结构,空气对流顺畅气孔对流较好,付予了宜兴紫砂茶壶,传温快、保温强,利于泡茶时保持水的温度和茶的色香味的特点。
龙春, 实力派匠人