National Day Promo 2020
Want to get a REAL zisha pot for FREE?
Yah, a fake one selling at $80-120 in the market, but this is a real zisha pot, retailing at $238 - 288. Now they are ready at our retail shop for FREE!
Just buy a 5 year vintage Sheng PuEr teacake, the Mt Bulang 2015 where the King of PuEr is from, retail tag at $135; and
A pouch of loosen tea leave, the 11 year vintage same Mt.Bulang 2009(100gms) retail tag at at $100. Total just $235.
Choose your favorite in shape today worth $238
Good deal? yes, the FREE zisha pots are all unique, one shape one piece only!
Choose yours now.
Promo ends 16 Aug 2020 23:59, or while stock lasts.
Click here to order
Our Retail address:
37 Kreta Ayer Road Singapore 089001 11am - 7pm Daily