Tea Master, Christopher Chau, winning the Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2018
Posted by Jennifer Zhong on
Break with tradition then breakthrough
On 10 October 2018, Co-founder/tea master of Old Village Puer Pte Ltd, stands on the award stage as a new entrepreneur for the EYA 2018 at Marina Mandarin Hotel Singapore.
Inaugurated in 1989 by the Rotary Club of Singapore, the Entrepreneur of the Year Award (EYA) is the most established Award in Singapore that honours local Entrepreneurs who have shown outstanding performance as business owners, be they emerging or established enterprises, in their respective industry fields. In 1992, the Rotary Club of Singapore invited the Association of Small & Medium Enterprises to co-organise the EYA.
Upholding the prestige of the Award, EYA prides itself for the high qualifying criteria, rigorous rounds of site visits and stringent judging processes.
Celebrating its 30th year, the Entrepreneur of the Year Award continues to build upon its legacy as one of Singapore’s most established business accolades where Top Entrepreneurs are showcased annually on a platform of national scale. The EYA is also an excellent opportunity to embark on a fulfilling and rewarding Award Journey that spurs business owners and aspiring Entrepreneurs to aim higher and achieve greater victories in the business arena.
Christopher said, in Chinese:
"今年的 Entrepreneur of the Year Award “年度企业家精神奖”, 步入了隆重的第30届,是由扶轮社 Rotary Club及 新加坡中小企业联合会ASME (Association of Small & Medium Enterprises) 共同举办的。