Local Chinese tea company, OVP tea, won its 4th & 5th medals in the Globaltea Championship
Posted by Jennifer Zhong on
On 10 October 2018, two OVP teas by Old Village PuEr Pte Ltd won a Gold medal and a Bronze medals in the Glbaltea Championship 2018 Spring Hot Loose Leaf competition.
The Globaltea Championship is an independent competition in the USA, judged by tea professionals to distinguish the highest quality & best-tasting teas commercially available.
It opens entry to all commercially sold teas globally, with extensive Rules and Regulation, formalized judging agreement with detailed criteria for judge selection and judge term lengths, defined preparation for time, temperature, weight to high required minimum scores for each place to quality to win.
All these mark the competitions unique and respected in the global tea industry.
Phoenix Reborn™ won the Gold medal of Dark Oolong category. It is a special formula by home ground Singapore Chinese tea brand, OVP. The tea is an outstanding dark Oolong tea with a nice dry fruity finish and highly praised by the judging panel.
The tea liquor is bright in colour and clear. It is lovely with a sparkling appearance.
The tea is lively with rounded taste and body that is pleasing with no astringency. The integration of aroma and taste components in which the tea displays a multi-dimensional layer sensation, well harmonized, round and full.
Sip it slowly and you can feel that the tea is telling you a story through its complexity, inviting you to come back for more.
Sanpin Glory™ is made of an entirely good grade of fresh green tea buds mixed with the freshest jasmine blossoms under special natural scenting processes.
As per the Golbaltea Championship judges commented: “ Great Jasmine Aroma. Good Scenting”. It well harmonizes the freshness of green tea and the aroma of the jasmine flowers, leaving a lasting memorable experience. The liquor has a special clarity with a rounded taste and full body that is pleasing and refreshing.
Earlier in March this year, OVP teas won the first 3 medals in one shot from the Globlatea Championship 2018 Fall Hot Tea competition, namely,
- Fresh Fusion® in Open Class,
- Woken Dragon™ in Blended Oolong, and
- Imperial Treasure™ in Blended PuErh/Dark.
Adding these 4th and 5th medal, OVP teas won total 5 medals in the same year, for Singapore in the Globaltea Championship.
Want to taste all these award-winning tea with your friends and relatives?
You may visit Old Village PuEr even during the weekends.
OVP tea showroom:
3017 Ubi Road 1 #04-135 Singapore 408708
Tel: 6635 4725
VVIP: 81108189 (WhatsApp)
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