Mt. Yiwu 易武古树

Mt. Yiwu is one of top 6 famous ancient PuEr mountain.

Mt.Yiwu is probably the most famous tea mountain in the Puer world as a distribution hub of ancient Puer tea within Yun-nan since the Song dynasty in China.  It is also the origin of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road (茶马古道).

Today, tea lovers relish the premium PuEr tea from its top 15 villages, with distinguished characteristic yet sharing the same sweetness and silky smooth taste, easy to drink with great strength of Cha-Qi (茶气)。


易武山是古六大茶山之一, 包含整个易武乡的产茶区,也包含着过去的慢撒茶山。 相传诸葛亮“置撒袋于曼撒” 。易武茶区现在老树茶比较多的有易武、麻黑、弯弓大寨、落水洞、刮风寨、老丁家寨、曼秀、高山寨等地,易武山七村八寨赫赫有名 。

茶区位置:云南省西双版纳傣族自治州东南部勐腊县北方。 易武地名为傣语,意为“美女蛇居住之地”,因易武有个花蛇洞地名由此而得。

易武是六大古茶山之一,古称“曼撒山”,也是著名的滇藏茶马古道的源头, 普洱茶历史上著名的茶庄如 同庆号,同昌号,同兴号,鸿庆号,安乐号等等都在这里出现。

老寨古茶出品的易武古树普洱茶的特点是甜,顺,滑,以“兰香古韵” 为最典型代表,以“弯弓国有林”为最上乘作品。