Tropical Belle™ Award-Winning Old Village Liupao Loose Tea 2016

Discover the award-winning TROPICAL BELLE™ blend, a rare and exceptional Liupao tea that will leave you wanting more.
Crafted using one of the legendary formulas, this classical Liupao tea delivers on both taste and health benefits. With a well-balanced and full-bodied taste, it's a treat for your taste buds while also supporting your health indicators.
Our minimalist style tea leaves are harvested by hand in the spring and produce a unique reddish, transparent, and bright liquor. Each 50g gift tin is priced at S$29, and with a 200g purchase, receive a FREE Yixing zisha tea-caddy worth S$28, perfect for keeping your tea leaves fresh and aromatic.
Experience the powerful body-reaction of this tea, which aids digestion, weight loss, and cholesterol control.
Order now and indulge in the premium quality dark tea Liu Bao for tea connoisseurs!
老寨古茶这款配方,是采用与“宝兰”齐名的 “四金钱”工艺,由六堡茶研发大师邓超年倾力制作,将经典重现。
最值得一提的是, 本片是采用“南山白毛茶"为原料。
南山白毛茶是清朝24名茶之一被列为进贡朝廷的佳茗,2009年 指定为 “国家地理标志产品"。"与皇帝有根,与佛家有缘"。
红浓陈醇、久泡如墨汁,水柔、 耐泡而有力道,回甘好。 体感温热舒爽。 恰似极简主义者倾爱,简单却令人回味无穷。