Daetea (Da Yi) Shou PuEr teacake 8592-901 大益普洱熟茶 2009

Daetea (Da Yi) Shou PuEr teacake 8592-901 大益普洱熟茶 2009

  • $125.00

Daetea (da yi) 8592 fermented PuEr tea cake is another signature formula that offers a woody and sweet classic dark PuEr tea. The first batch was produced in 2009.

大益 8592 这款茶是 2009 年 的第一批。熟茶第一批,渠道货,不容易拿到货。配方是一九八五年大益研制成功,较7572更粗老,是粗壮大条索之产品;滋味醇和,甜味显,陈香味更容易显“木香”。曾该茶冲泡后汤色红浓明亮,香气浓郁,回甘。


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